We’ve Fallen and I Don’t Think We’ll Ever Get Back Up

I saw this Economist headline fly by today on one social media network or the other. It’s from the end of last month. In more ways than I care or want to count it sort of sums up exactly what’s happening on this planet. 

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Set aside the editorial judgment that went into the article and the headline. Instead focus in on the surreal, but very real reality, that for far too many most of the problems we’re facing don’t matter as long as the quarterly results and bank balances are positive.  

And you have to love this quote:

Could financial markets once again be underpricing the risk of a global conflict? 

We’ve fallen and I don’t think we’ll ever get back up.

Here’s the link to the article.

Author: Warner Crocker

I stumble through life as a theatre director and playwright as well as a gadget geek...commenting along the way. Every day I learn something new is a good day, so I share what I find exciting, new, stupid and often worthwhile.

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